Standing Lab of Contemporary Literature and Creative Writing

Standing Lab of Contemporary Literature and Creative Writing belonging to the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Napoli (Italian Institute of Culture in Naples) together with the international poetry and literature review “Nuove Lettere”

XII Academic Year

It has been formed on 1st January 1991, in collaboration with the international poetry and literature review “Nuove Lettere” (Editor: Roberto Pasanisi; Responsible Manager: Vittorio Luca riello; Editorial staff: [Dario Bellezza], Alberto Bevilacqua, Constantin Frosin, [Franco Fortini], Roberto Pasanisi, [Giorgio Saviane], Maria Luisa Spaziani, Mario Susko, Násos Vaghenás e Nguyen Van Hoan; Secretary: Pasquale Brucci) a Scientific Committee with the aim of organizing a Standing Lab of Contemporary Literature and Creative Writing.

The organizing Scientific Committee is composed of: Alberto Bevilacqua (writer), Constantin Frosin (Professor of French Language and Literature at State University “Dunarea de Jos” at Galati; writer); Antonio Illiano (Professor of Italian Language and Literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Roberto Pasanisi (Head of the Italian Culture Institute of Naples and “Nuove Lettere”, Rector of Free Foreigners’ University “Francesco De Sanctis”, LIUPS; writer ); Vittorio Pellegrino (already Chairman of the Naples Tourist Authority); Maria Luisa Spaziani (formerly Professor of French Language and Literature at the University of Messina; writer); Mario Susko (formerly Full Professor at the University of Sarajevo; Professor of American Literature at Nassau Com. College, Garden City; writer); Násos Vaghenás (Professor of Literary Theory and Criticism at the University of Athens; wrieter) and Nguyen Van Hoan (Professor of Italian and Vietnamese Literature at the University of Hanoi).

It provides and arranges for the organization of periodical meetings relating to Italian and international contemporary poetry: they consist of seminars, lectures, discussions and readings of and about poetry, on the basis of open and flexible principles, previously established each time, and this year they will take place, every month, at the Office of the Institute in Naples (aula magna “Gabriele D’Annunzio”). 
The selection of the attending writers — according to the trend of New Letters and its Weltanschauung, approaching that of the Frankfurt School — alternates, next to very famous names of the literary European outline, new writers who, even if very talented people, may be still unknown, either for their young age or because hindered by the dull arrogance of the cultural establishment.
Such meetings have, on one hand, the purpose of founding in Naples, in a culturally prestigious shape and place, that reference point and, as it says, aggregation for the poetry and literature of which we definitively feel the lack in our town; on the other side, they aim at promoting a reconciliation between academic, institutional learning and that of artists, interested `no-experts’.

The Lab (as, moreover, the same Institute), come to its fourth year of working, during its operating, has put on more and more, next to its primary function (literary and cultural), a public one, that of a meeting and gathering place of the now so-called ‘civil society’; a political lab, in the etymologic sense of the term (that is as `the citizen’s knowledge’), but always entirely super partes.

Per ulteriori informazioni, contattare (for further information):

Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Napoli
via Bernardo Cavallino, 89; 80131 Napoli (Italia) 
tel. 081 / 546 16 62 
fax 081 / 220 30 22 
posta elettronica:

1992-2021 - CISAT (Centro Italiano Studi Arte-Terapia) - via Bernardo Cavallino, 89 ("la Cittadella") 80131 Napoli tel. +39 081 5461662 - fax +39 081 2203022 - posta elettronica:

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