Nuove Lettere – Editorial Staff


“Nuove Lettere”


International Poetry and Literature Review


DirectorRoberto Pasanisi (Italian Language and Literature, State University of International Relations MGIMO, Moscow; director, Italian Institute of Culture in Naples; writer)


Editor in Chief: Vittorio Lucariello (Spazio Libero Teatro – Naples – director)


Editorial Staff: [Dario Bellezza (writer)], [Franco Fortini (former full professor, History of Criticism, University of Siena, Italy; writer)], Constantin Frosin (French Language and Literature, “Danubius” University, Galati; writer), Antonio Illiano (Italian Language and Literature, North Carolina University at Chapel Hill), Roberto Pasanisi, Giorgio Saviane (writer), Mario Susko (former full professor, University of Sarajevo; American literature, State University of New York, Nassau; writer), Násos Vaghenás (Literary Theory and Criticism, University of Athens; writer), Nguyen Van Hoan (Italian and Vietnamese Literature, University of Hanoi)


Secretarial Office: Ernesto L’Arab, Maria Peruzzini (office chief)


Nuove Lettere (New Letters), sponsored by the Presidency of the District of Naples and published by the ITALIAN INSTITUTE OF CULTURE IN NAPLES, aims to build a kind of trait d’union between the “academic reviews” and the “militant reviews”, marked, as everybody knows, by a too much rigid separation. Nuove Lettere includes five sections: Poetry, Fiction, Essays, Reviews and News.



In n. X, 11, recently issued, an editorial by Roberto Pasanisi (“Benchè ‘l parlar sia indarno”: the sacred values of culture, freedom and justice in the Italy without quality); poems by Tudor Arghezi, Mihai Eminescu, Constantin Frosin, Roberto Pasanisi; short stories by Gianni Bertocci, Jean-Michel Maulpoix; essays by Luciano Caruso, (“Metanalisi”, that is the revealed writing); Constantin Frosin, Emil Cioran (Due Studi); Benone Pusca (Le Droit international contemporain. La société internationale); Eugen Simion (Le mythe Eminescu doit exister de nos jours, comme hier…); reviews and news.


In n. XI, 12, just issued, an editorial by Roberto Pasanisi («Come polli d’allevamento». Repression and barbarism in Italy: “the spirit of television” and “the new fascism”poems by Josif Aleksandrovic Brodskij, Diego Granados Jeménez, Mario Lucchesi, Zvonimir Mrkonjic, José Luis Reina Palazón, Mario Susko; short stories by Giuseppe O. Longo (Questo lo facciamo dire a Postuma); Roberto Pasanisi (Gli angeli dell’ufficio); essays by Fares Aljaramneh (La poesia di Mansur fra amore e diaspora); Steven Carter (Democracy and Doublethink); Giuseppe O. Longo (Tecnologia e mutamento culturale); reviews and news.


“Nuove Lettere”, at present high number printed, delivered all over the world, is exclusively received by the I.C.I. members; membership fees:


  • ‘ordinary member’: 30 euros per year;

  • ‘supporter member’: 40 euros per year;

  • ‘meritorious member’: 50 euros per year.


Each membership fee allows to receive all the review’s issues and a book; the ‘supporter member’ also receives two books, the booklets and the illustrative and informative leaflets printed by the Institute and can take part in the Nuove Lettere prize; the ‘meritorious member’ also receives all the publications published by the Institute (books, reviews, etc…) and can actively take part in the activities supported by it.


The membership fee must be contributed through payment on the post office account c/c n. 22663801 made out to: Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Napoli; via Bernardo Cavallino, 89; 80131 Naples (Italy).

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