Il Centro Italiano Studî Arte-Terapia

The research Centre CISAT, attached to the Italian Institute of Culture in Naples and led by Roberto Pasanisi, is interested in Art Therapy (a rather recent speciality in Italy) as an expression and social rehabilitation technique, mainly for people with anxious and depressive disorders. Therefore, the objective of CISAT is to develop Art Therapy scientifically and practically so that the new therapeutic method can become widespread in Italy. CISAT is a member of WCP (The World Council for Psychotherapy, Wien) and of ING/AT (International Networking Group of Art Therapists, Los Angeles). CISAT proposes indepth training sessions and varied activities in the field of Art Therapy and associated therapies.

1992-2021 - CISAT (Centro Italiano Studi Arte-Terapia) - via Bernardo Cavallino, 89 ("la Cittadella") 80131 Napoli tel. +39 081 5461662 - fax +39 081 2203022 - posta elettronica:

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